Monica’s entrepreneurial drive and more than 20 years of professional experience has included more than 14 years in the banking industry, where she led development and implementation of a range of successful, new business models.
Her solid background in finance, strategic planning, marketing and human development has served several companies in Mexico and abroad, where she has added value at all stages—from the company incorporation and strategic definition, to operational implementation, recruitment and training of key personnel. She also has a wide international network of professional leaders whose expertise she draws upon to meet specific needs and goals of our clients.
Monica’s expertise working with multicultural teams and markets, including Mexico, Puerto Rico and American Hispanics, is complemented by Monica’s personal vision to help women of all social statuses to empower and enable themselves. She works to help women to take responsibility for their lives and to become positive influences on their children and communities. She believes that strong, influential woman can strengthen their families and transform our society.
Monica holds a bachelor degree in Computer Systems and a Masters in Business Administration & Finance by the ITESM.